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Twelve Fascinating Insights Into Nail Fungal Infections

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How Common is Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus is more common than you might think and tends to occur more frequently as people get older. Recent statistics show that at least 5% of the population suffers from a nail fungus infection. While these infections are less noticeable, toenail fungal infections are actually more common than those in fingernails.

Toenail fungus isn’t just a cosmetic issue; it can also reveal underlying health concerns. For instance, a nail infection might indicate poor circulation to the nails or an affected immune system.

12 Facts About Nail Fungal Infections

Onychomycosis makes up as much as 30% of all skin infections. Nail fungal infections affect 5% of the general population, 20% of people over 60, and half of those over 70. Unfortunately, traditional treatments for fungal infections are effective in less than half of all cases. The three main causes of these infections are dermatophytic fungi, Candida infestations, and non-dermatophytic molds.

Most toenail fungal infections are due to dermatophytic fungi, while Candida is the primary cause of fingernail infections. Some molds can lead to both types of infections. Men are more likely to contract toenail fungus than women. Those working in damp environments face a higher risk of infection.

Various factors increase the risk of nail fungal infections, including age, poor circulation, thickening of nails, diabetes, psoriasis, immune system disorders, and excessive sweating. One-third of diabetics and people with psoriasis are significantly more prone to nail infections, with the latter group having a 56% higher risk.

Solutions and Tips

Standard treatments for nail fungus include oral and topical medications, nail removal, and laser therapy. Naturopathic therapies are a gentler and more accessible alternative. These include sunlight therapy, essential oils like tea tree or oregano oil, and hydrogen peroxide.

Here are some practical tips for fighting nail fungus:

Keep your feet as clean and dry as possible. Wear waterproof sandals at swimming pools and other public wet areas. Make sure to wear clean, fresh socks every day. Trim your nails regularly to prevent fungal growth. Avoid tight hosiery, as it can trap moisture and create a breeding ground for fungus.

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